On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Michael Hampicke <gentoo-u...@hadt.biz> wrote:
>> I just got access to these files today so until this morning I didn't
>> even know what format they'd be in.
> Can you provide us with a downloadable sample, or are these files private?

Technically they're private but it's not like sharing one file from a
month ago to one person somewhere is going to cause anyone any great
pain. (IMO only...)

Before I'd waste any more time in the Gentoo community, unless someone
_really_ wants to work on this off list, I'll probably look for
possible open source or demo programs I could run in the Win7 VM. It's
not important to me where I do the conversion - just that I get them

I found a web site that does it here:


It's been grinding away on the first file for 20 minutes and it's
about 30% of the way done. If that works it looks like it supports
batch conversion and could just let it run unattended. It's slow, but
that's not important to me really.


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