On 05/09/2012 11:56:45 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Tue, 8 May 2012 09:09:28 +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> The problem is caused by the server running openssh-0.6_p1 with the hpn
> USE flag, which is enabled by default. Either downgrade to 5.x or
> re-emerge with USE="-hpn". I did the latter and everything is working as
> it should now.

The bug report at https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=414401 now
contains another solution. Leave hpn enabled but set TcpRcvBufPoll to no in sshd_config. I've tried this and it seems to work. Now we just need to
find which kernel option to set to get this to work properly.

Sorry, but I don't this. You say, it works without changing any kernel configuration.
So, why
"Now we just need to find which kernel option to set to get this to work properly."


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