>>> Try appending this into your /etc/conf.d/net
>>> >
>>> >    dns_servers_wlan0=
>>> >
>>> > with or without quotes and brackets I am not really sure.
>>> >
>>> >    dns_servers_wlan0=( "" )
>>> >
>>> > Hope this helps!
>> Thanks, but I'm actually trying to figure out why the system is using
>> OpenDNS.  I don't see any OpenDNS settings anywhere and yet
>> resolv.conf has OpenDNS IPs even after a reboot.  Shouldn't the
>> system have in resolv.conf after DHCP?
> If there is no setting in /etc/conf.d/net that sets the nameservers
> (like dns_servers_wlan0=...) or if you don't use dhcp, the file
> /etc/resolv.conf won't be touched.
> You can try it, edit /etc/resolv.conf by hand, reboot. Then you will see
> that your changes are still there.
> If you set an nameserver in /etc/conf.d/net - then resolv.conf will be
> overwritten when /etc/init.d/net.* gets started.

Perfect, thank you.  I didn't realize /etc/resolv.conf isn't
overwritten if DHCP isn't used.

- Grant

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