On Fri, 11 May 2012 03:01:39 +0200
"Michael Scherer" <a6702...@unet.univie.ac.at> wrote:

> I'm always replying to gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org and I'm not aware
> I ever used one of the addresses you mentioned below. I'm rather new
> to this forum, so it's entirely possible I did something wrong
> somewhere, so please tell me where else I should post my replies.
> And if you feel the urge to correct me on my postings you might as
> well post some advice on my problem too.
> michael

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org is the correct address, but that's not the
mistake you made.

You started an entirely new thread of discussion by replying to an
existing message and changing the Subject line. Now, this doesn't do
what you thought it does. It continues an existing thread where the
Subject line just happens to have changed. Almost everyone here uses
intelligent mailers and this new thread is mixed up inside something
completely unrelated.

The correct thing to do when starting a new thread is to compose an
entirely new mail (not reply to an existing one and remove bits)

Alan McKinnnon

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