Nikos Chantziaras writes:

> On 11/05/12 03:06, Alex Schuster wrote:

> >> Thanks. Another thing that happens to me only. I filed a bug about
> >> this:
> >
> > I just found out it only happens when I start the video from within
> > Dolphin, and as my user. From the command line, or as another user
> > with an unconfigured KDE desktop, it does not happen. Something is
> > very weird here. Maybe I should start over with a clean KDE
> > environment, AGAIN. But I really really hate to do this every once in
> > a while. Can't these things just work?
> Can't you just use SMPlayer?  (media-video/smplayer).  It's a very nice 
> mplayer front-end.

Sure, although I prefer mplayer, configured to show up on all desktops,
always in the front, without window decorations. So it's not a problem
for me, but I assumed it might be for others, so I filed the bug. But now
it seems it's an indication of deeper problems I have.

Another thing I just found out is that I cannot drag favicons from
Konqueror to the desktop any more, but it works as another user.


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