On 21/05/2012 10:51 PM, Pandu Poluan wrote:

On May 21, 2012 9:18 PM, "Andrew Lowe" <a...@wht.com.au
<mailto:a...@wht.com.au>> wrote:

[ze schnipp]

 >        Aarrrggghhh, I'm getting confused. More background on my
original question. I work in a liquor store and the manager insists on
playing the usual crappy FM radio station, "MORE HITS WHEN YOU WANT THEM
AND WE HAVE THE BEST VARIETY......blah blah blah". I'm going crazy so
I've loaded up a memory stick with music from my media machine and using
a small Android tablet, play the music through the sound system instead
of the radio. As you can guess this is not audiophile central, a cheap,
quite old "3 in 1" sound system, one speaker one end of the shop,
another in the middle of the shop.
 >        I can't do the turn up/turn down thingy as I might set the
level when I start, and it may happen to be a quiet song. I then head
down the other end of the shop, the track finishes and is then followed
by a loud track, which is most likely excessively loud for a shop. Or
conversely I start with a loud track, set the level and then it's
followed by a quiet track and the shop goes quiet.
 >        I have no intention of applying whatever process to the media
machine, the tracks on that remain as ripped. I only want to "fiddle"
the tracks on the memory stick. As this is on an Android tablet, quite a
cheap one at that, I'm also not sure how whizz bang the media player is
so if I can get away with the tracks being as "standard" as possible
would be good - my reading earlier on in this thread leads me to believe
ReplayGain may not, although I'll prepared to test, be supported.
 >        So with that background, normalise or ReplayGain?

LOL don't tear your hair out, bro :-)

My suggestion:

1. Go find someone with a PC, install "foobar2000" music player, load
all your tracks, and let it apply Replaygain

Already have that covered, it's what I use on my research computer at Uni.

2. Go to the Android Mark... uh, Google Play Store, and search for
"replaygain". There are several music players that will honor replaygain
tags. Some of them are free.

Looks like something called "DeadBeef" will handle the situation. I'll install that tomorrow and test.


        Thanks for the info,

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