On Wed, 30 May 2012 02:11:54 -0700
Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> > You can get away with almost anything except these two things:
> >> >
> >> > Do not micro-manage
> >> > Do not tell them how to do what they do
> >>
> >> Could you give me an example of this last one?
> >
> > - I see you are using Perl with hashrefs to do function xyz. Have
> > you considered (i.e. I would like you to) using
> So if I see a way that their coding could be improved (faster
> execution, greater legibility, etc) I just keep quiet about it?
> > - Wanting to personally review the code often. I've seen some
> > managers want to do this daily.
> How often should I read their code?  I was planning on reading it a
> lot.

Perhaps I was too literal. Those examples should be read in the context
of obsessively fiddling with someone else's work. Alternatively, doing
those examples and not producing anything worthwhile from doing it.

Code reviews and suggestions are valuable, but there's a time and a
place and a forum for them. All productive teams eventually reserve a
time slot for review and demos of running code. You and the entire team
can and should discuss optimizations then.

Let me put it another way - you likely don't like it if someone else
fiddles with your work while you are trying to do it, or gives
"helpful suggestions" while you are trying to concentrate. All I'm
saying is to avoid doing that to others. Good old common sense will
tell you when this is happening - you already know how to do it, no
need to analyze the thing any further than that

Alan McKinnnon

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