On 2012-06-04 14:48, Mick wrote:

> Can I please join you if you have a spare hat?

Sure, got lots of (virtual) hats... here's one: ^ (may be a bit small) ;-)

> On a 3 year old Dell laptop manufactured by the famous and well
> known Winbond Electronics </sarcasm> I see this under lshw:
> *-remoteaccess UNCLAIMED vendor: Intel physical id: 2 capabilities:
> outbound
> but have not found a way of interrogating it or in anyway accessing
> it to understand what it is or does ...
> Note, this is not a UEFI machine:
> capabilities: smbios-2.6 dmi-2.6 vsyscall32


SMBIOS does support out-of-band management, which may or may not be
scary, depending on who's in control of it...


If you have an Intel processor in that laptop that supports vPro, I
would assume it's a "professional" laptop, and as such it might make
sense (assuming the IT department in your company is in control).

Here's an interesting link that describes some of the problems with
modern computers (it's an approx 1 hour long video from Google Tech
talks, regarding coreboot):

Best regards

Peter K

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