Philip Webb wrote:
> My favorite game is the KDE 3 version of Mahjongg :
> no, the KDE 4 version is nowhere near as good (smile).
> Currently, users are being warned in big red letters
> that 'mDNSResponder' is masked & soon wb removed: the alternative is 'avahi'.
> I unmerged the former & emerged the latter,
> then tried to remerge the KDE 3 version of 'kdelibs': it failed;
> yes, I did add the 'avahi' USE flag.
> Luckily, I made a quickpkg of 'mDNSResponder' & was able to reinstall it
> after adding it to  /etc/portage/package.unmask ,
> so Mahjongg 3 is back (big smile).
> However, I can't test 'kdelibs 3' again without unmerging 'mDNSResponder',
> so it's not nice to try to submit a bug
> & anyway how far are KDE Sunset bugs taken seriously ?
> Does anyone have advice ?

The best place to ask KDE3 questions is -desktop mailing list.  The
people that are working on KDE3 are regulars there.  I only mention
because you may not know since it not written anywhere that I am aware of. 

I'd ask there and see what they say.  If they have plans, I'm sure they
can explain the options better.  It may take a day or so to get a reply
depending on who is there and when. 

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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