udev-186 replaces libudev.so.0 with libudev.so.1, and pulseaudio
won't compile against it.  If you need pulse, avoid udev-186.

I backed down to udev-182-r3, which fixed the problem, but I had
to run revdep-rebuild (again) to fix all the other packages that
did build against libudev.so.1 and now had to be rebuilt a second
time against libudev.so.0.

Also, even udev-182 did some breakage to the udev scripts installed
by hplip, but that's easy to fix.  Apparently the recent udev has
replaced the SYSFS keyword with ATTR.

This simple fix I found with google seems to work for me:

#cd /lib64/udev/rules.d
#sed -i s/SYSFS/ATTR/g *

Doesn't it seem that breakage this big should be obvious to the
devs before the changes go public, even on ~arch?  Hrmph!

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