On 16/07/12 18:34, Silvio Siefke wrote:

my hdd is full and on the free partion i want make the /home partion.
But how can make it? Copy and fstab? When i mount the partion over thunar
i can not write as user on the partion.

You cannot write to /home directly, only in your own /home/me home directory.

/dev/sda3 on /run/media/siefke/data type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2)

You should probably apply a label to the partition (like "Home") and then in fstab:

  LABEL=Home  /home  ext4  defaults,exec  0 2

Make sure you moved and not copied your old /home/* stuff. If you copied, then delete the old /home:

  rm -rf /home
  mkdir /home

If you really want to write to /home directly as a user, then unmount it and do:

  chmod a+w /home

Now mount it, and do the above command again. Everyone will now be able to write to /home (and the permission will be kept between mounts/unmounts/reboots.)

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