On 07/25/2012 05:21 PM, Dale wrote:

> The point made about producing less heat with the smaller nm sounds
> reasonable tho. 

>From the chip maker's point of view, everything is about battery life
and small size these days.  I wonder how many college kids are using
desktops these days.  Desktops are only for us dinosaurs who are glued
to our computer chairs.  (What fool would try to text from a desktop
machine while driving to school during rush hour on a busy street?)

> I'm trying to picture a nm.  o-o  Hmmmm, maybe this is better.  O-O 
> Nope, still can't picture a nm.  lol 

Have you tried sci-calculators/units?  Very useful utility.  It defines
1 nm as 1000 times the distance between a campaign promise and a damned

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