I'm using Gentoo for a couple of years and am quite amazed how good it
works.  So thanks to all involved in its develpoment.

However, after today's update, when I run revdep-rebuild, I get the

 * Checking dynamic linking consistency
 *   broken /usr/lib64/libogrove.la (requires -lstdc++)
 *   broken /usr/lib64/libospgrove.la (requires -lstdc++)
 *   broken /usr/lib64/libostyle.la (requires -lstdc++)

I would expect that revdep-rebuild re-builds the broken libraries, but
instead it only re-builds app-text/openjade.

Hence I can run revdep-rebuild again and again ad nauseam without any

Another, quite unrelated question:  Whenever I run 

   emerge --update --pretend

I'm warned in advance if a portage update is available.  It seems that
emerge is able to warn about critical updates.

On the other hand it happpened several times that *after* an update
I've been told that my system is completely broken and will not
re-boot unless I compile a new kernel.  It would be nice if I can be
warned *before* I run emerge without the --pretend option.  Then I
could postpone the update to the next weekend, when I have more time.

My propsal is to add a warning similar to that I get when portage
updates are available, so that users know in advance that a particular
update will break the system.  

Of course, this mailing list is not the proper place for such
suggestions.  Can anybody tell me whom I should ask?


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                              mailto:reinhard.kotu...@web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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