On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Michael Trausch <m...@trausch.us> wrote:
> Tested and verified w/ at least Rhythmbox and Banshee. Have offered a bounty
> for years for anyone who fox the bug. There are open, confirmed bugs in (at
> least) Launchpad going back quite some time, too. Happens regardless of
> hardware, but have had it happen on SB Live and several onboards.

Do you have links to the bugs?

> The only time I ever got 5.1 working was with straight ALSA, but then I
> don't get upmixing.
> As a result, I have been using netradio. No closing and opening of the audio
> device.
> Also, canberra (the sound notification library) seems to actually output
> sound correctly, but I think it holds the device open the whole time.

I have libcanberra compiled with PA support, so I can use it with
other sound sources at the same time.

> PA isn't changing the configuration back to stereo. It shows 5.1, but media
> players only output to two speakers until I open the PA control and jump
> from 5.1 to 4.1 and back.

And the players output to PulseAudio directly or through the ALSA
emulation? In GNOME 2 you could configure GStreamer (which both
Rhythmbox and Banshee use) to use PulseAudio as default sink, or using
ALSA; but it PA is running, newer versions will automagically detect
it and use it [1]. I use GNOME 3 and PA is mandatory, so I don't
remember exactly how it was.

Sorry for my curiosity, but it sounds really weird: I have heard a lot
about PA problems, but nothing like this.

[1] http://arunraghavan.net/2012/02/gentoo-pulseaudio-alsa-update/
Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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