On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 09:08:52AM +0200, Penguin Lover Marc Joliet squawked:
> 2.) The full blown interactive solution: IPython. You can create a session and
> configure which modules you want preloaded via startup scripts. This is
> overkill for what you want, I think, but IPython is a much nicer interactive
> Python interpreter than python itself. For instance, you can reuse previous
> outputs, e.g. "Out[2]", to get the output from the third command you entered
> (indexing starts at 0). Inputs can be similarly recalled by referencing
> "In[i]".

Yes, I recommend ipython too. 

> 3.) Put the "import" line in its own file and put it in the variable
> PYTHONSTARTUP, e.g. "export PYTHONSTARTUP=/path/to/my/script.py". Python
> executes it's contents before presenting the prompt, so you can put whatever
> imports you want in that script. It's simple, and if the python interpreter is
> enough for you, then I'd go with this.
> There are probably more possibilities, but this is what I can think of right
> now.

Unless you want to load the math module every single time you start 
Python, it is perhaps better to create an alias (say, python-calc) 
in bash (or shell of your choice) using the `-i' option of python 
  alias python-calc='python -i loadmath.py' 
or if you only need one single command
  alias python-calc='python -i -c "from math import *"' 
which will give you an interactive session with the math functions


Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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