On 09/24/2012 10:18 AM, Andrew Lowe wrote:
Hi all, Just want to check something with those much more
knowledgeable that I am. I have a media computer which exports the
media as nfs4 shares. My workstation in turn mounts these - it's the
only device that does this. If the media device is not on, and
exporting these shares, the workstation gets caught up in the boot
process, timing out and retrying, trying to find the nonexistant nfs
shares, which takes ages.

Is the correct things to fiddle to try and tune this the timeo and
retrans variables in fstab? I want it to time out after 10 seconds
and no retries. I'm thinking the mount entries become:

... ... ...  /mnt/movies  nfs4
rw,timeo=100,retrans=0  0 0 ... ... ...

I find that I had to use actimeo=n instead of just timeo because (apparently)
there are several different timers involved in nfs mounting.  (man 5 nfs)

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