Cinnamon is very great. Also nemo, the nautilus fork of 3.4, because
nautilus 3.6 is a very big regression in manys opinion (mine too).

Ive had soo many problem with gnome 3 (mainly performance), so i
switchesd to lxde.

It felt like replacing an intel pentium 4 with a core i7....

now i am using lxde within my gentoo, and cinnamon on my secondary
screen (linux mint).

I love cinnamon. But it is unusable in my opinion, because it is on top
of gnome3. they should make this working standalone! :))

On 10/15/2012 01:26 AM, walt wrote:
> I'm back in gnome heaven again, thanks to cinnamon-1.6.1 :)
> First I'd like to thank Canek for his generous help to all of us
> here who have been struggling with gnome-shell.  I'm sure I'll
> try gnome-shell again when it's more mature, but for now I'm
> sticking with cinnamon.  It's a giant step backward and I love it :)
> The newly ported system-monitor panel applet for cinnamon is what
> convinced me to switch -- it now looks and behaves exactly like the
> old gnome2 version.
> There are a couple of things you should know if you've never tried
> cinnamon before.  (These may already be documented in the gentoo
> wiki but I haven't looked, which is why I had to figure them out
> for myself :)
> Once you have cinnamon emerged, how do you actually start it? Just
> put this line in your .xinitrc:
> exec ck-launch-session gnome-session --session=cinnamon
> BTW I tried deleting the ck-launch-session. That broke auto-mounting
> of removable media like usb sticks, so I put it back.  I'm sure this
> will change rapidly when systemd becomes the default, but systemd is
> not mature enough yet for my taste so I'm sticking with openrc for now.
> Second, and very important for the system-monitor panel applet, is
> that networkmanager must be running for the network activity to be
> visible in the applet.  That took me a few days to work out :p
> Another big change in the panel applet is that you must turn on the
> "Panel edit mode" before you can add any other applets to it.  That's
> done by right-clicking on the panel.  Then turn edit mode off again
> before the panel will work as expected.  That's very confusing if
> you have to find it by trial-and-error ;)
> I'd be interested to hear other opinions about cinnamon.

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