Am 15.10.2012 21:29, schrieb Jarry:
> On 15-Oct-12 21:18, Michael Hampicke wrote:
>>> livecd gentoo # nano -w /mnt/gentoo/etc/portage/make.conf
>>> nano: error while loading shared libraries:
>>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>>> livecd gentoo #
>>> So what am I supposed to do now? Seems to me nano is broken...
>> Use another editor - like vi(m) - or just chroot into /mnt/gentoo and
>> run nano from there. It does not matter if you edit make.conf before or
>> after chrooting.
> I already chrooted. So it means nano in stage3 is broken?
> Concerning vi, it is 10 years since I used it for the last time!
> Do not even remember how to save file after editing... :-(

I just downloaded stage3-amd64-20121013.tar.bz2 and tried it. nano
inside the chroot works just fine here. Maybe you should check your
stage3 / iso file. See section 2.c of the gentoo handbook [1].
If the checksums don't match, just downloaded the files again, if the
checksums are ok, just try emerge --sync && emerge nano inside the chroot.


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