On 11/06/2012 09:29 AM, Dale wrote:
> Well, I'm medicated so pardon me if I get silly.  What is the BEST cron
> to use?  I'm using vixie-cron since that is what was in the handbook
> during my install.  Let's not get into how long ago that was.  lol  So,
> what cron has . . . well. . . the least issues and is more developed? 
> Oh, would I need to reemerge anything to get the stuff updated?  Things
> like logrotate and such?  I also couldn't find any USE flags for it
> either.  I know these use cron:

I use vixie-cron, its most important feature being that it scans
/etc/crontab automatically so I don't have to remember to run `crontab
/etc/crontab` every time I make a change to it.

Fcron was aimed at being a vixie-cron replacement, but it doesn't
automatically scan /etc/crontab. It does allow you to run missed jobs,
though. Personally, if I want my cron jobs to run, I don't turn the
machine off.

Dcron is also probably also pretty good, since it was written by Matt
Dillon (of Dragonfly BSD fame).

If you switch away from vixie-cron, you might need to run `crontab
/etc/crontab` once unless the ebuild does it for you. Otherwise, all the
cron daemon does is invoke the run-crons script which does the real work.

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