on 11/18/2012 02:37 PM Mick wrote the following:
> I would like to check the difference between the power management profile 
> settings of 'default' and 'auto' for my radeon card.  I can change it from 
> default with:
> # echo auto > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile
> # cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile 
> auto
> but, upon reboot it has reverted back to 'default'  :-(
> I looked under sysctl but can't find anything.  How can I set the profile to 
> 'auto' to survive between reboots? 

create a script in /etc/local.d as root and make it executable :

cd /etc/local.d
cat > set_radeon_to_auto
echo auto > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile
chmod +x set_radeon_to_auto

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