On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 11:41:41PM +0100, Marc Joliet wrote
> Hah, I wonder if that's because the script was written before the x86
> and x86_64 architectures were merged in the kernel :) . I remember
> Heise reporting on that a few years back.

  Probably correct.  The machine is approx 4 years old.  It's also a
32-bit kernel, because back then...

1) Flash didn't work on 64-bit kernels without jumping through flaming hoops

2) Wine required either multilib support or straight 32-bit linux

  On a new machine today, I'd probably install 64-bits, unless there was
some weird requirement for 32-bits.  I don't push my machines that hard,
and they generally last.  I've mostly bought Dell desktops (including
this one).  The exception was was because Dell wasn't offering a machine
with 8 gigs of RAM when I wanted it.  The fact that the local guy also
had a motherboard with a PS/2 keyboard connector was another plus.  I
have a couple of of IBM "clickety-clack" 104-keyboard specials that were
being thrown out by my former employer a few years ago.  I love them.

  I've bought a couple of ASUS notebooks as well.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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