
I'm a new gentoo user (coming from ubuntu).  I've been proving to
myself that I can do everything I need with gentoo on a secondary
laptop, and after a few weeks, I think I've got it (svn repos, AVR
cross compiler, multiple screens, etc).  I much prefer gentoo to
ubuntu, and would like to put it on my primary laptop.  But I think I
should leave an ubuntu installation on there just in case.  I'd like
to have gentoo, ubunu, and win7 alongside each other.

How feasible would it be to have gentoo and ubuntu share a /home
partition?  I've never had a reason to have multiple linux
installations on a single machine before, but I can't think of a
reason why this wouldn't work.  .bashrc might need a few more lines of
code. .screenrc and .exrc would be fine.  My ssh keys can  be shared.
What would happen to .mozilla if ubuntu and gentoo are running
different versions of firefox?  What other issues might I run into?

Alternatively, is there a way to keep gentoo's and ubuntu's hidden
files separate and link or map them to ~ at boot?


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