I know that upgrading glibc can cause some programs to break if they were built against the previous glibc. This happens to me all the time and I have gotten in the habit of simply re-emerging any packages that misbehave since a glibc upgrade.

Well, I have upgraded both glibc and gcc within the last week or so. And I've been contemplating a kernel upgrade too. I looked at genlop and it said it will take a mere fourteen hours to re-emerge everything with an emerge -e world. I'm tempted to do it, but I'm wary of making major changes to a system that currently seems to be working perfectly. However, I've only tested a handful of packages (the ones that I use every day) since the glibc upgrade, and I did have to rebuild a few of them. For this reason, I'm guessing that a significant number of the packages that I haven't tested are actually broken too. So when I say my system seems to be working perfectly, I think that only applies to the packages that I interact with daily and probably not to some of the ones that I don't.

When does it make sense to re-emerge everything? I've heard some people say never but that others do it perhaps monthly or even more often.

Is there a (significant) risk that something will go wrong? Even terribly wrong?

Is it possible that some important programs aren't working right now due to having been built against an older glibc, and that I'm simply oblivious to the fact that they aren't working? I'm worried specifically about system programs that I don't usually have reason to interact with, yet may be vitally important to the security and stability of my system.
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