On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Peter Humphrey <pe...@humphrey.ukfsn.org> wrote:
> Hello list,
> Sorry for going off-topic, but I can't see the answer on the KDE site and
> google hasn't helped.

There is a KDE-Users list where this stuff gets addressed. However I
asked the same questions the other day so I'll respond here in hopes
what I'm doing helps you.

> I'm trying to run the KDE wallet manager but I get this in .xsession-
> errors:
> kwalletmanager(3054)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been
> disabled
> On the other hand:
> $ ps ax | grep wallet
>  3054 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/kwalletmanager
> And, from a konsole:
> $ kwalletmanager
> QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before
> QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.

This is a known issue for I don't know how long. Frustrating.

> Dbus is running and its USE flag is in the portage environment. No
> startup errors were reported.
> After quite a bit of poking around I still can't see how to get the
> wallet service going. Can anyone help, please? I upgraded to kde-4.9.3
> the other day when it hit the mirrors as stable. I haven't used the
> wallet service before but I think maybe I should.
> --
> Rgds
> Peter

>From System Settings

SystemSettings -> Account Details -> KDE Wallet

make sure it's enabled, then uncheck everything else except 'Show
manager in system tray' and hit apply.

For me, after starting an app that uses it, like Chrome, this gives me
a wallet in the system tray that I can then click on to get into the
wallet app for management of my stuff.

Hope this helps,

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