
As soon as i mount an ext4 partition on my second 1To HDD, the hard drive
is always working (read/write) every second (even when doing nothing).

Here is my fstab :
sdb is a SSD and sda HDD.

/dev/sdb1              /boot        ext2            noatime,discard
1 2
/dev/sdb2              /               ext4            noatime,discard
    0 1
/dev/sdb3              /home      ext4            noatime,discard         0
/dev/sda1               none       swap            sw
     0 0
/dev/sda2               /var         ext4                    noatime
      0 0
/dev/sda3               /usr/portage    ext4            noatime
0 0
/dev/sda5               /mnt/sauvegarde    ext4     noatime             0 0
/dev/sda6               /mnt/disk_virt  ext4           noatime
  0 0
/dev/sda7               /mnt/donnees   ntfs-3g
auto,uid=jacques,gid=users,umask=0022   0 0

This problem appears only with /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda6 and stops when
unmouting the two drives.
The HDD partition (attached file partition).

I tried some options as commit=600, but no success.
Output of cat /proc/mounts  (attached file mounts).

Thank you for your help,



Attachment: mounts
Description: Binary data

Attachment: partition
Description: Binary data

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