On 2012-12-10, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Grant Edwards
><grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2012-12-10, Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Am Samstag, 8. Dezember 2012, 19:25:55 schrieb Grant:
>>>> It seems like ARM processors will destroy x86 before too long.  Does anyone
>>>> think this won't happen?
>>> no
>>> two reasons:
>>> not enough power
>>> does not run x86 software
>>> the second one is a real deal breaker.
>> Only until somebody invents some sort of scheme where you can write a
>> program using a source language that isn't tied directly to the
>> processor architecture.  Then you'd be able to build programs (or even
>> OS kernels) so that they'd run on a variety of CPU architectures!
> You speak in jest, but this is now the case for most of the
> applications people use...

For an increasingly large segment of the population, the the
"software" they use is

 1) A web browser to access stuff that runs on a server somewhere of
    inderminate architecture (GMail, Salesforce, Facebook, Youtube,
    miniclip, pinsta-whatever, etc.).

 2) A collection of smartphone/tablet apps, most of which aren't even
    available for x86.
Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! What GOOD is a
                                  at               CARDBOARD suitcase ANYWAY?

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