On 12/12/2012 06:53 AM, Francesco Turco wrote:
> Hello.
> A couple of weeks ago I filed a bug because in the Installation Handbook
> I found some references of the "world" set in emerge commands, as
> opposed to "@world": https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445184
> The bug was closed as invalid, and I was told that:
>> sets with the @ prefix are a portage-2.2 feature, which is still hardmasked 
>> and thus not documented.
> The fact is that I have portage-, not 2.2, and man emerge says:
>> When used  as  arguments to emerge sets have to be prefixed with @ to be 
>> recognized.
> One possibility is that documentation stick with the stable portage
> package, not the testing one (I have a ~amd64 system only). But I
> checked portage (the latest stable amd64 portage package
> version) and the previous phrase is there, too.
> I know it's not a very important issue, but I'd still like to know if
> I'm wrong or not, and why.

IMO you aren't wrong, but it isn't fixable right now. I see your point:
using @system and @world is more consistent, and eliminates an
additional thing that you have to remember.

But right now, 'system' and 'world' are simply hard-coded magic strings.
Until that changes, using @system and @world really conflates two
different ideas: the magic system/world, and the portage-2.2 @sets. Some
day they may be unified if we can,

  1. Move $PORTDIR/profiles/base/packages into @system

  2. Move /var/lib/portage/world into @world

  3. Not break everything in the process (this is the hard part)

Afterwards I think they would be more receptive to updating the docs.

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