/dev/hda3 is the backup/rescue.  What I did last time I built a system,
is used this to build a working system.  Put it into service,
adjust/configure until I am happy.  Create the LVM in prep for the main
install.  Copy the rescue system to the LVM and setup grub.  reboot into
the main and go from there.  The original is then available as a backup.
Unless a severe security vul exists, I dont fiddle with it until a major
kernel update occurs.

Grub is:
default 0
fallback 2
timeout 5


title=Gentoo Sources (2.6.13-r7) resume
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.6.13-rc7 root=/dev/hda5 splash=verbose vga=0x317
elevator=cfq gentoo=nodevfs resume2=swap:/dev/hda2

title=Gentoo Sources (2.6.13-r7) NOresume
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.6.13-rc7 root=/dev/hda5 splash=verbose vga=0x317
elevator=cfq gentoo=nodevfs resume2=swap:/dev/hda2 noresume


title=Gentoo Sources (2.6.11-r9) RESCUE
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/linux-2.6.11-gentoo-r9 root=/dev/hda3 splash=verbose
elevator=cfq gentoo=nodevfs resume2=swap:/dev/hda2 noresume


I am using a patched for suspend2 kernel (vanilla here, but gentoo
sources when its available.  I do not use genkernel: it has caused me
too many problems in the past.


On Mon, 2005-08-29 at 21:28 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On 8/29/05, W.Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My scheme is:
> Thanks Bill,
>    That's very helpful. To test my understanding
> /dev/hda1 - boot - 100M
> /dev/hda2 - swap - 2G
> /dev/hda3 - NOT CLEAR - the backup/rescue install?
> /dev/hda4 - LVM - 200G
> /dev/hda5 - root - 4G
> So you've placed pretty much the bulk of the machine in LVM and it's
> working well for you. That's cool.
>    Could you possibly share a bit from your grub.conf file as well as
> your fstab file? I think with that info I'd be pretty confident when I
> do the build tomorrow morning.
> Thanks,
> Mark
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