On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Bruce Hill
<da...@happypenguincomputers.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 05:23:13PM -0500, Michael Mol wrote:
>> Then came the decision to move udev inside /usr, forcing the issue.
>> Now, it'd been long understood that udev *itself* hadn't been broken.
>> The explanation given as much as a year earlier was that udev couldn't
>> control what *other* packages gave it for rules scripts. OK, that's
>> not strictly udev's fault. That's the fault of packages being depended
>> on at too early a stage in the boot process. And, perhaps, hotplug
>> events for some devices _should_ be deferred until the proper
>> resources for handling it are available. I can think of at least a few
>> ways you could do that. And, yes, this was a problem systemd was
>> facing, and wasn't finding a way out of. (Why? I still don't know.
>> Maybe they didn't want to implement dependency declarations or demand
>> that packages impement partial functionality to reduce initial
>> dependencies.)
> You're stumbling upon it ... just keep hashing it out.

No, I'm pretty sure I understand most of what's going on. I don't
understand why systemd and udevd couldn't settle on a standard
interface for each other (rather than tightly integrate), and I don't
understand why neither systemd nor udevd could implement a
dependency-aware system that understands problems like circular
dependencies and accounts for it; every package manager since the dawn
of the thing has had

The purpose of my email was to try to be as neutral as possible while
laying out the history of the thing over the past year and a half. I'm
stopping short of calling the lead admins lazy, because you don't get
where they are by being lazy. The most generous thing I can think of
to say is that Lennart has deadlines to meet in order to meet Red Hat
release schedules, and trying to corral a bunch of packages with
lazily-defined dependencies into would be extraordinarily difficult.

And...huh. I think I just realized why Lennart and Red Hat are pushing
systemd...it's because of Amazon's EC2. In EC2, you spin up more
copies of a system image in order to scale your site to handle
additional load. Reducing boot time for new system images means you
can scale your computational capacity that much more quickly...and Red
Hat wants in on the scalable cloud action.

> The decision to write a new init system (systemd) and do things altogether
> differently is exactly what caused your previously referred to train wreck.
> And Kay Sievers collaborating with Lennart on this corrupted udev. Take those
> two prima donnas out of the udev destruction, and no such init problem exists
> today ... just as it didn't exist before then, for so many years.
> Linus didn't tolerate what they did to module and firmware loading:
> https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/10/2/303
> and he placed the blame squarely on Lennart and Kay where it belongs. To quote
> Linus Torvalds:
> "What kind of insane udev maintainership do we have? And can we fix it?"
> Bank on it ... he *will* keep these prima donnas from destroying it. There's
> quite the historical precedent for such.

That's what forks accomplish. The original project can die, but a
useful thing can take its place. So I'd venture a guess eudev will
replace udev in Linus's eyes. And some functionality has been pulled
into the kernel to avoid depending on the rogue userland project.


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