On 2012-12-28 00:24, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> Well, yeah, that's the point. I want to install Gentoo in my mother's
> PC, and never have to go to her house because someting broke.

I really don't have the time nor the inclination to continue this but...
Why would you in that case install Gentoo and not Fedora? They (Fedora)
do the "kitchen-and-sink-installation" with systemd, which begs the
question: Why are you using Gentoo in the first place? I'm asking
because I honestly don't see why you would want to use it if you just
don't want to care about how the system works...

Also, all your "technical" arguments are not really technical at all;
It's merely a differing (from mine) philosophical view on how you think
a operating system should work (the details on how to solve that is
technical on the other hand). Which is what I was trying to show you
with my first reply... although a bit convoluted perhaps.

And on another note:

I don't really care about what init system I use but I do know what I
don't want and that's systemd. But I am a fanboy of Unix philosophy[1]:
"keep it simple, programs do one thing and do it well, clean interfaces,
portability etc..." (see how systemd doesn't fit that?).
So you can call me a fanboy too if you like, I don't care.


Best regards

Peter K

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