The problem is the option to lock screen on suspend is greyed out and
Did try building with all modules


On 12/28/2012 04:16 AM, Robert David wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> what exactly you missing on screen lock in E17? I use E17 and screen
> lock is ok when suspending. It does not need some xscreenlock stuff, it
> is just part of e. Just check settings->sceen->screen_lock and checkin
> lock_on_suspend. Thats all:)
> If you missing something, just make sure you build with all the modules
> flags.
> x11-wm/enlightenment-0.17.0 was built with the following:
> USE="nls pam spell udev ukit -doc -emotion -static-libs"
> ENLIGHTENMENT_MODULES="access backlight battery clock comp
> conf-applications conf-dialogs conf-display conf-edgebindings
> conf-interaction conf-intl conf-keybindings conf-menus conf-paths
> conf-performance conf-randr conf-shelves conf-theme
> conf-window-manipulation conf-window-remembers connman cpufreq
> dropshadow everything fileman fileman-opinfo gadman ibar ibox illume2
> mixer msgbus notification pager quickaccess shot start syscon systray
> tasks temperature tiling winlist wizard xkbswitch"
> Robert.
> On Thu, 27 Dec 2012 18:51:26 -0600
> Kevin Brandstatter <> wrote:
>> On 12/27/2012 05:16 PM, Mick wrote:
>>> On Saturday 22 Dec 2012 01:29:57 Kevin Brandstatter wrote:
>>>> So e17 just came out and ive been using for a bit. The only problem
>>>> ive had with it is that i cant check the option to lock the screen
>>>> on suspend. I don't think this is a problem on some of the other
>>>> distributions so thought it could be a policy problem on gentoo.
>>>> Curious if anyone else uses e17/has this problem and maybe a fix.
>>>> or just for suggestions of where to look
>>> I can't select it here either, but I suspect that this may be
>>> because I do not use xscreenlock or equivalent.
>>> Have you tried posting either at the e17 or the
>>> mailing lists?
>> yes I first posted to the e17-users list. It was working for other
>> people so i thought it might be distro specific, I emerged
>> xscreensaver to see if that would fix it at all but no luck. I had
>> this problem a while ago and i think it had something to do with
>> polkit settings
>> -Kevin

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