On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Florian Philipp <li...@binarywings.net> wrote:
> Hi list!
> I have a use case where I am seriously concerned about bit rot [1] and I
> thought it might be a good idea to start looking for it in my own
> private stuff, too.
> Solving the problem is easy enough:
> - Record checksums and timestamps for each file
> - Check and update records via cronjob
> - If checksum changed but timestamp didn't, notify user
> - Let user restore from backup
> However, I haven't found any application in portage for this task. Now,
> the implementation is easy enough but I'm wondering why it hasn't been
> done. Or do I just look for the wrong thing? The only suitable thing
> seems to be app-admin/tripwire but that application also looks like
> overkill.
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_rot
> Regards,
> Florian Philipp

Have you looked at Tripwire to see if it'll do what you need?


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