On 12/01/13 00:33, Walter Dnes wrote:
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 10:42:37AM -0600, Canek Pel??ez Vald??s wrote

No, because the problem has never been in udev (nor systemd, for that
matter). It fixes how *Gentoo* packages udev; probably the devs read
the following comment from Lennart (note it was written almost a month


   For those of us who do not want to build, let alone run, systemd,
these 2 messages are more than sufficient justification for the eudev

This is about udev, not eudev. Obviously, people using udev don't care about the systemd dependency (if they do, they should switch to eudev) *and* expect separate /usr to work, because upstream udev works just fine with it.

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