On 2013-02-10, Jarry wrote:

> Hi gentoo-users,
> today after syncing portage tree I tried to update my system,
> but I was "greeted" with message:
> !!! Your current profile is deprecated and not supported anymore.
> !!! Use eselect profile to update your profile.
> !!! Please upgrade to the following profile if possible:
>       default/linux/amd64/13.0
> So I reverted to previous snapshot just to see what I had before
> ("eselect profile list" did not show any selected). Till today
> I had "default/linux/amd64/10.0/server". To my big surprise,
> there is no "server" profile for "default/linux/amd64/13.0".
> So is server-profile not suported anymore??? I hope devs had
> good reason for this, but anyway a change like *this* should
> definitely be communicated with users in advance...
> Right now I'm not sure if Gentoo is not supported for server
> at all or "13.0" is substitution for "10.0/server". But before
> there were pure "10.0" and "10.0/server" profiles. So it seems
> to me server profile was simply removed without any substitution.

No, the only reason the server profile existed was to have the name
"server" on it. Debate on the -dev list quickly led to the conclusion
that there was no point in keeping a separate "server" profile (we
already have the base profiles which are quite minimalistic, so they
*are* what the server profile should be, anyway).

In fact, if you are going to ask "they why did we have two different
profiles", well, that's how the discussion got to the point where the
decision was to ditch the /server profile.

>From what I remember, differences were only a *couple* USE flags. So
just sitch to the base profile. 

Now this could have used a news item, yes.

Nuno Silva (aka njsg)

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