On 2013-02-14 2:26 PM, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
So, my latest ideas is to "sync up" and then wait one week
before acutally installing those new packages. This would
allow the fodder that the good folks on this list catch,
bitch about (um, I mean file bug reports) and fix, to
occur first; then I can complete the package update
cautiously avoiding an "emerge sync".

I do something similar, but on a rolling basis...

1. Sync daily, keeping track of what updates appear *and when*

2. Once a package that wants to be updated has been in the list for
   at least 3 days, I update it/them, although I will usually wait
   a little longer (week or two) for some things, like things that
   are critical to booting (like grub, udev, etc)

3. Rinse, repeat

I started doing it this way ever since I got bit by the mailman minor update that broke things horribly (moved where all of its files were located without any warning, news item, or anything - ugh), and it has served me well.

I do this manually, but I only have a couple of systems to manage. Obviously if you manage multiple systems, the more systems you manage, the more unwieldy doing this manually becomes, so scripting the process (or at least part of it) would become necessary at some point.

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