Le 11/03/13 à 14:59, Grant a tapoté :
> My wife and I have identical Dell XPS 13 laptops.  I have the config
> on both as close as possible.  We use identical kernel config files,
> but I can compile git-sources-3.9-rc1 without installing sys-devel/bc
> and it looks like she can not.  Does anyone know why this would
> happen?
> BC      kernel/timeconst.h
> /bin/sh: bc: command not found
> make[1]: *** [kernel/timeconst.h] Error 127
> make: *** [kernel] Error 2

It seems that sys-devel/bc is now required to build the kernel ⁽¹⁾.

On your system, are you sure that you don't have bc installed as a
dependency of another tool ?


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