在 Wed, 03 Apr 2013 22:43:53 -0900,Hinnerk van Bruinehsen <h.v.bruineh...@fu-berlin.de> 写道:

On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 12:41:26AM -0900, Jackie wrote:
Hello all,I was trying to reinstall gentoo on my PC and when I was
emerging gentoo-sources-3.8.5,sys-fs/udev-200 was required.However,after
installation of gentoo-sources,comlpilation of udev failed and there is no
output of error message.And this is the output of "emerge --inform

Since there is no error it's hard to debug anything. You could try to
emerge it again (sometimes that resolves such issues) or otherwise look
in /var/tmp/portage/sys-fs/udev-200/temp/build.log
Inside there is the complete build output and therefore the error
message should be contained as well.
If you can't make sense of the error post the message here.


Well,still don't get it clear. However,after compiling several times and fialed. I tried to mask udev-200,udev-199-r1
udev-198-r6 and it's solved,which almost made me exthausted :(
Hope the next time rolling the system up it'll be ok. Thx for you suggestion anyway.

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