Hi all,

Help!!!!! :(

I have a serious problem with our production DB machine hosted on linode, and I hope someone can help me.

They recently updated their hardware, but taking advantage of it required 'migrating' our machines...

I migrated our dev server first, and it failed to boot after the migration, but a question to their support suggested changing to the most recent 64bit kernel - and this worked, it came up fine, and so did the dev database.

The production server appeared to migrate ok, and even booted, but the DB did not come up (postgresql)...

I had to remote in through their Lish console because SSH wasn't working either.

I attempted to change the kernel to the latest 64bit on this one too to see if that would work, but nothing...

I've changed the kernel back to 32bit, but there is weirdness going on...

Some things will compile ok (portage, gentoolkit, openssh, openssl), others won't (ncurses, libxml2).

Right now I'd just really like to get SSH working again so I can scp in and grab all of my data.

I've tried recompiling both (both compile/install ok), but when I try to start SSHD I get:

 # /etc/init.d/sshd start
/etc/init.d/sshd: line 18: 2079 Illegal instruction "${SSHD_BINARY}" -t ${SSHD_OPTS}
* ERROR: sshd failed to start


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