On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 01:15:53PM -0300, Penguin Lover luis jure squawked:
> and what about /etc/init.d/dropbox, should i start the service?
> i also noticed that there's a file /etc/conf.d/dropbox, i had to add my 
> use to DROPBOX_USERS, otherwise there where errors when i tried to launch
> dropbox. 
> excuse all the questions, but as you see it's not working for me and i 
> don' have much clue what's wrong or how to solve this problem.

Some time ago I downloaded a file dropbox.py from the forums which is
a python script giving commandline interface to start/stop the dropbox
daemon (among other things). It was/is distributed with
nautilus-dropbox, but I didn't want to install the whole gnome

As a result I have not configured /etc/conf.d/dropbox and I don't use
/etc/init.d/dropbox to start it either. 


Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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