On Tuesday 04 Jun 2013 14:26:50 William Kenworthy wrote:
> I am trying to get an argument passed to a kernel module - it works like
> below but not using the /etc/conf.d/modules file.
> insmod
> /lib/modules/3.8.13-gentoo/kernel/drivers/media/usb/em28xx/em28xx.ko
> card="46"
> In /etc/conf.d/modules I have
> module_em28xx_args="card=46"
> The only odd bit is its a qemu vm using usbip to connect to the usb
> stick on another PC but it works manually (at least the card bit ...)
> Have I made a mistake with the card arguments somehow thats not obvious?

Have you tried to add module options in /etc/modprobe.d/ directory?  e.g. 
create a file em28xx.conf and add in it:

options em28xx card=46


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