130606 Chris Stankevitz wrote:
> Who or what decides to name a hard drive /dev/sda vs /dev/sdb?

You, when you connect up the drives in the box, if you build it ;
the manufacturer, if you buy the machine ready-built.
If the latter, open the box -- carefully (smile) --
& check the connections inside with the mobo manual.

> How does it decide what order to enumerate the drives on my computer?

The drive which the mobo calls 'SATA1' wb  /dev/sda  etc.

> When in the boot process does is a disk given a name like "/dev/sda"?

That's done by 'udev' based on what BIOS tells it.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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