On 03/14/2012 08:11 AM, Robert David wrote:
> V Mon, 12 Mar 2012 17:24:47 -0500
> Michael Sullivan <msulli1...@gmail.com> napsáno:
>> I feel really stupid asking this, but I want to use an HDMI component
>> to output one of my PCs to the TV set.  I've followed all of the wiki
>> entry at http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/DisplayLink, but there's
>> something else I need to know.  I get the green screen on the TV that
>> it mentions when the kernel module is being loaded correctly.  The
>> problem is that I use gdm in /etc/conf.d/xdm DISPLAYMANAGER variable
>> to start X, and I don't know where the actual gdm configuration lives
>> so I can tell it to use ~/.xinitrc2 from the wiki.  My google
>> searching hasn't been going well. Can anybody give me any hints as to
>> how to make progress on this problem?
> Hi Michael,
> it depends on how you would like to use the external card. Please
> specify your scenario. 

So my laptop has a built-in display and a VGA output. While working, I
use both. In fact, here's the content of the script I run when logging
in to arrange things the way I like them:

xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto
xrandr --output VGA1 --off # Force a full reset of VGA1
xrandr --output VGA1 --left-of LVDS1 --auto

Let's say I were able to set up the DisplayLink adapter using "xrandr
--output FBUSB1 --auto". The effect I'm looking for could then be
achieved via:

xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto
xrandr --output VGA1 --off
xrandr --output VGA1 --left-of LVDS1 --auto
xrandr --output FBUSB1 --off
xrandr --output FBUSB1 --left-of VGA1 --auto

In effect, I want all three displays arranged as part of the same
extended desktop with xinerama. (xinerama is pretty explicitly part of
my workflow, as one thing I often do is have 3-4 remote desktops active
*per local display*, and I drag them around as necessary.

> Anyway, try to look in /etc/gdm, /etc/init.d/xdm, /etc/X11 (there can
> be specified which server start in file xdm/Xservers)
> I have DL adapter connected to my docking station and a simple script
> to activate the second xserver on docking and deactivate that when
> undocking. I simply run here second desktop using x2x. I just use that
> primary for web browser, so I dont need xinerama.
> You can also use DL with your primary card and xinerama. But it needs
> specific xorg.conf and needs to be connected when xserver starting. So
> nothing suitable for notebook and hotplug.

This latter scenario is what I'd be interested in. I'd have no
complaints if I needed it plugged in when X started; that's fine, if a
bit weird. (though it couldn't be done via xrandr? Seriously?)

I don't do anything with hotplug, really. I don't use PulseAudio, I
don't use GNOME, KDE or udev automount. About the only automagic thing I
use is NetworkManager (and even that fails to notice when the laptop's
moved five miles away from the AP it was connected to.).

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