On 07/07/2013 10:16, Dan Johansson wrote:
> Today after running an "update world" (which included syslog-ng-3.2 ->
> syslog-ng-3.4), I restarted syslog-ng and got the following two messages:
> WARNING: Configuration file format is too old, syslog-ng is running in
> compatibility mode Please update it to use the syslog-ng 3.4 format at
> your time of convinience, compatibility mode can operate less
> efficiently in some cases. To upgrade the configuration, please review
> the warnings about incompatible changes printed by syslog-ng, and once
> completed change the @version header at the top of the configuration file.;
> WARNING: global: the default value of log_fifo_size() has changed to
> 10000 in syslog-ng 3.3 to reflect log_iw_size() changes for tcp()/udp()
> window size changes;
> I do have some customizations in my syslog-ng.conf so I have not yet
> installed the quite minimalistic new syslog-ng.conf
> (._cfg0000_syslog-ng.conf).
> Does anyone have a link to some good documentation on how to upgrade a
> 3.2 configuration to 3.4?

I haven't found a upgrade guide but the admins guide is very complete:


You could start by looking up your custom settings in the guide tosee if
you brought any incompatibilities into play

Alan McKinnon

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