On 09/08/2013 11:15, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Am 09.08.2013 11:13, schrieb András Csányi:
>> Kde is not a possible solution for you? I'm just asking, I do not want
>> to start a flamewar about which is the better/worst. :)
>> That's the reason why I have kde and xfce on my machine. I always have
>> a fallback plan. I spend I few weeks for Unity from unity-gentoo
>> overlay and the big gnome-3.8 update messed up everything and I spent
>> almost a week the get back Unity, and I gave up. During this week I
>> was able to work on my machine because I had kde.
> I run gnome-3.8 for months(?) now ... happily, on 2 gentoo boxes.

I long ago concluded that users who want to run Gnome3 need to do what
Gnome3 devs want them to do. Currently with 3.8 that includes using systemd.

There's two ways of looking at this: how things should (or could) be vs
how things are. Basically, to get Gnome3 running, you need to be OK with
the latter and willing to run with it.

Many folks outside fedora-land are not at all happy with the way things
are and would like to see things move over to the former - how things
should be. That's a lot of work, and with a rather unco-operative
upstream the work is now twice as hard (and perhaps not at all viable).

That's how I see it anyway - as a rather cut 'n dried binary choice the
user must make.

Alan McKinnon

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