On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Kerin Millar <kerfra...@fastmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> I use -mtune=native rather than -march=native, that way I can use some
>> advanced processor features if they are available, but my system will
>> still run if moved to a different host.
> That's not how -mtune works. If -march is unspecified, it will default to
> the lowest common denominator for the platform which prevents the use of any
> distinguished processor features. For an amd64 install, that would be
> "-march=x86-64".
> Instead, -mtune affects everything that -march doesn't. Though it doesn't
> affect the instructions that *can* be used, it may effect which of the
> allowed instructions are used and how. For instance, gcc includes processor
> pipeline descriptions for different microarchitectures so as to emit
> instructions in a way that tries to avoid pipeline hazards:

Thanks very much for the clarification, I appreciate it.

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