On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 08:37:54 -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:

> > I already posted the script I use to do exactly that.
> >
> > emerge gentoo-sources
> > run the script
> >
> > I wonder it it would be possible to have the spl and zfs-kmod ebuilds
> > do this with an appropriate USE flag.  
> Thats what I'm looking for... something that is automatic and basically 
> 'just works'.
> Manually running a script as part of each kernel update just... well, 
> computers do automation best.

I use a script to configure, build and install new kernels. It's called
from there, so it is automatic for me :)

> But thanks very much for your script. I'm just not comfortable (at this 
> point at least) doing it that way on a production system...

That's the recommended way, since the script follows the instructions for
merging the modules in the kernel tree and uses the make scripts that
come with the sources. It will not mess up your kernel since it only adds
code, code that isn't even used until you enable it in the .config.

Neil Bothwick

MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs

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