I have been trying to install Gentoo 2005.1 on an SATA drive connected to
a Silicon Image chipset controller. The SATA interface and drive are found
at boot, I then create 3 parititions:

/dev/sda1 32M  /boot
/dev/sda2 512M
/dev/sda3 40GB /

Then I go through the usual process of untarring a stage3 tarball, copying
over a portage snapshot and distfiles etc. all goes well, the files are on
the partitions and all looks fine.

The issue occurs when I try to chroot into the new environment when
issuing the command chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash I get the error
"segmentation fault" and cannot chroot into the new environment.

Is there likely to be something that I am doing wrong? Is there another
set of instructions specifically for an SATA install?

I had issues getting the drive to work in Windows as well until I removed
by Pinannacle PCTV card after which Windows found the drive with no
problems - could it perhaps be that this caused a hardware conflict that
caused the above error? I haven't had the time to try the install again
since removing the PCTV card but would like to know if there is anything
different I need to do to install Gentoo to an SATA disk.



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