The 27/09/13, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> I am back from my visit at a customer where I installed a new and shiny
> gentoo server for running VMs (KVM).
> Currently I don't have access as my VPN only works from my static IP at
> home (my router seems to be offline right now ... and I am still away
> from office for the weekend) so I can't check details now ...
> basically:
> I tried to copy/rsync some file with ~8GB over a gigabit connection ...
> from old to new server. Checked ethtool for gigabit, looked ok. I always
> saw the behavior that the transfer started rather fast and slowed down
> within minutes. Let's say ~50 MB/s in the start and then down to maybe 2
> or so. That is way from the expected throughput with such new hardware.

You should give details of the tests. It looks like a hard disk write
speed bottleneck.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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