On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 11:06:24 +0100, Michael Kintzios wrote:

> > This certainly seems the best solution. It saves Windows getting arsey
> > about drives or having to try to fool it with GRUB map commands. I'd
> > disconnect the Gentoo drive and install Windows, then replace 
> > the Gentoo
> > drive as slave, boot from a live CD, edit fstab and run grub. windows
> > should then remain blissfully unaware of your Gentoo 
> > installation, which
> > means it won't try to "fix" it for you at some random later date.
> I doubt that this is necessary.  Either try it with only one drive
> connected to the machine as suggest previously, or perhaps try this:

If you're going to start removing and replacing drives, you may as well
alter the jumpers while they're out to that Windows on on hda. That's the
most Windows-friendly approach, which is a good thing when you consider
how hostile Windows can be to its enemies :)

Neil Bothwick

"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I
can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."

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