On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Daniel Campbell <li...@sporkbox.us> wrote:
> On 09/29/2013 08:51 PM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Daniel Campbell <li...@sporkbox.us> wrote:
>>> It's fairly obvious (to me, anyway) that anything mounting a filesystem
>>> and making it available is system-critical. I run samba and don't need
>>> it for boot, but like you said, someone may need that. I wouldn't see a
>>> problem with smbmount being in /bin. FUSE deserves similar treatment.
>>> LVM's another that probably deserves special treatment.
>> If you allow FUSE you've already failed, because arbitrary programs can
>> be required by FUSE filesystems. Suddenly your ssh client should be pushed
>> to /, or your telnet, or rsync, or ftp.
> FUSE is that lenient with what it can use to mount with? o_O

Fuse is filesystems in userspace. The hard problem that isn't obvious
here, is that
anybody can come up with a userspace filesystem, and there is ZERO intelligence
in the package manager that some filesystem is dependent on some userspace

for example, there's a filesystem called sshfs. It allows you to view an ssh
connection as a directory. sshfs itself could be in /, but it depends
on ssh and its
libraries, which are normally in /usr. Now what do you do? Just to
support sshfs,
you have to move or copy all those programs to /. Portage doesn't know this.
Ebuilds don't know this. Manual compiles don't know this. What should the ssh
packagers do? What should the fuse-sshfs packagers do? What should users
who are manually rolling out sshfs do?

How about when you develop the next revolutionary crazy filesystem that
allows you to view emacs sessions as directories? What should the emacs
packagers do? What should the fuse-emacsfs packagers do? What should users
manually rolling out that do?

You want to automatically version /etc using some filesystem that uses a git
backend (I'll call it gitfs). What should git packagers do? What
should fuse-gitfs
packagers do? etc.... How about svnfs? hgfs? bzrfs? scpfs? ...
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